Hiking near Herskind
Treat yourself to a refreshing hike across the open landscape surrounded by wildlife and breathtaking scenery.
Hike 4.0 km
Signposting: Yellow triangles on stakes. See a map here.
Start your hike at Hertha Living Community. The community runs a biodynamic nursery garden/farm with dairy cows. You will find a leaflet box at the beginning of the path.
Follow the signs down to the lake, which actually used to be a marl pit, and spot the yellowhammer or the dragonfly with your binoculars. Be careful not to go down the slopes, as they can be quite slippery and the lake is deep. Once you reach the main road, Lyngbygård Å stream is only a short distance away.
Continue along the main road until the yellow signs lead you onto the trail running down the field boundary. Cross the road leading to Skovby and continue along the opened up Herskind Bæk creek, where salmon and trout spawn. Enjoy the pasture at the ravine, and be sure not to bring your dog if cattle are there.
The final part of the trail runs through the newly established residential areas in the southern part of Herskind.
The trails may be slippery when wet. Remember to wear your wellingtons during rainy seasons.