MTB-trail - Junges Plantation
On the mountain bike trail in Junges Plantage, constant effort is required to maintain speed on the bike.
The trail alternates between very narrow and technically demanding sections and more open sections where there is more flow, allowing for higher bike speeds. The trail itself is consistently marked as blue, and there are 2 small, more technically challenging red climbs to choose from. Additionally, it's relatively easy to loop the entire trail or parts of it if you desire more kilometers.
The trail is a pure natural trail, essentially cleared with a leaf rake and then compacted for riding. But thanks to the good sandy soil, there is almost never mud, even in the wettest winters.
Start with a warm-up ride on the larger paths in Dyrehaven and perhaps finish off with one of Rasses Skovpølser's legendary steak sandwiches.
The trail was created in collaboration between the Skanderborg Mountainbike Club and the Skanderborg Trailbuilders. There are good parking facilities at the trailhead.